Getting started
What is KML
A KML document is a valid XML file. It works in the same way as a simple html document, but with some differences:
- KML text and graphics doesn't flow and word-wrap like html text. You must use coordinates for everything
- There is not stylesheets in KML.
- There is no javascript or other scripting language in KML.
- There are no input types in the currently available KML language (but will change in the future.)
- When going from one page to another, all graphics stays on the screen untouched. Blanking screen contents mu be specified explicitly.
- KML has special abilities to hide, unhide and change screen contents dynamically that resemble javascript functionality.
- Playing back media files is easy. You only need one tag, and checking browser/media player versions is usually not necessary as all playback is handled by hardware.
Setting up the server
Outputting KML is usually easiest to do from some kind of scripting language like PHP, Perl or ASP. You can use any server type you wish to generate these pages.
- The server must make a page called "index.kml" available on port 8888.
Accessing the server
For the DP-600 follow this guide. For other KiSS players the approach is similar:
- Then press MENU, goto "Enter IP address of PC-Link Host" and enter the IP address of the web server and press OK. You only need to do this once, as the player will remember your IP address even after a power-down.
- Now choose "PC-Link KML Start Page". This will send you to
http://ip address:8888/index.kml
You should now see your index.kml page.
The DP-558 has two graphics layers. The background layer is either used for media playback or to display a static JPEG image in 720x576 resolution. The foreground layer is where you have the dynamic site content which consists of gif images in a special palette, text and rectangles. The foreground layer can be transparent, opaque or even semi-transparent. We can offer a special cross-platform conversion tool written in C for this conversion, or i can explain to you how to do such a color quantization.
KML pages unfortunately cannot do real sound effects, but you can use the PLAYMEDIA tag to play back mp3 or ogg files to create audio or you can even play back a piece of video in the background layer while KML is still active on the foreground layer.
Website by Joachim Michaelis