Configuration Tips
These are largely my own personal notes on how to configure the GUI
to be less annoying, less bloated and first of all more responsive. I just made
them public in case anyone else happened to share my opinion on settings.
- Scrollbars loose track of the mouse when it strays too far away: Go to about:config and set slider.snapMultiplier to 1000.
Chrome & Opera
- Opera (and thus possibly also Chrome) starts in DirectSound mode which isn't impelmented very well on many professional sound cards. The solution is to force the browser to use WaveOut by starting it up like this:
C:\Programs Files\Opera\launcher.exe --force-wave-audio
UTF-8 in irssi/screen/putty
- In the Putty configuration go to Window -> Translation and choose "UTF-8" in the dropdown.
- Under "Window" -> "Appearance" choose a font that supports the desired language.
Example: "MS Gothic" works for japanese. It might be necessary to install the corresponding language pack to even get these fonts, and it will not work without the proper fonts.
- Make sure you start up screen with the -U parameter (also necessary when re-attaching to an existing screen.)
screen -U irssi
- In irssi give the following commands:
/set term_charset UTF-8
/set term_recode OFF
- After setting all the above, you might have to quit and restart irssi.
UTF-8 in MySQL under FreeBSD
Make sure you do this before anyone starts using the database.
Add or edit the file "/var/db/mysql/my.cnf" so that you have this:
init_connect=’SET collation_connection = utf8_general_ci’
init_connect=’SET NAMES utf8’
Go to the dedicated page for more info.
Tired of waste of screen space because of the weird little window inside a bigger window?
Find the [General] section of the wavosaur.cfg file and change MaximizedChild=0 to MaximizedChild=1
EditPlus and PHP
In order to make EditPlus save files compatible with PHP while doing web pages in UTF-8 format, you have to
disable the "byte order mark" that some UTF-8 text files have, because PHP doesn't understand these.
Also you might as well always use "unix linefeeds" as the CR character is obsolete.
(Notepad.exe is the only application that needs them)

Windows Tricks
Put a JPEG image here:
and then run this .reg file to activate it.
(Disclaimer: This works for Windows 7 with jpeg images, but I do not know how risky this is, so do this at your own risk.)
Website by Joachim Michaelis