Key / value Description Use?
DynamicScrollbars = 00000000Windows 10 hides scrollbars automatically and it can be difficult to make them appear when needed. This will enable them always.
AutoEndTasks = 1Windows normally displays an “force shut down” button after the number of seconds expires, asking for your permission to close any running applications. If you enable this option, Windows will instead automatically close any applications and shut down without your input.
CaretTimeout = 7FFFFFFFMake the cursor keep blinking always.
ForegroundFlashCount = 00000001Flash only once instead of 7 times.
MenuShowDelay = 5Speed up most menus in Windows (recommended).
SmoothScroll = 00000000Disable smooth scrolling which slows down certain UI elements like dropdowns.
WaitToKillAppTimeout = 0000EA60Determines how long the system waits for user processes to end after the user attempts to log off or to shut down Windows. When the time specified in this entry expires, the End Task dialog box appears, stating that the process did not respond. However, if the value of AutoEndTasks is 1, the system ends the process automatically.
MinAnimate = 0Disable the slow animations when maximizing and minimizing windows.
KeyboardDelay = 0Make the keyboard repeat rate a bit faster.
KeyboardSpeed = 31Make the keyboard repeat rate a bit faster.
MouseSpeed = 0Disable mouse acceleration. This is recommended for most users, especially for graphics artists and gamers.
MouseThreshold1 = 0Disable mouse acceleration. This is recommended for most users, especially for graphics artists and gamers.
MouseThreshold2 = 0Disable mouse acceleration. This is recommended for most users, especially for graphics artists and gamers.
BackgroundDownloadDisabled = 00000001If Visual Studio background downloads keep happening far too often, use this setting.
HideFileExt = 00000000Show the entire filename instead of hiding file extensions. Hiding the file extension is a major security risk, and I highly recommend this specific setting.
Start_PowerButtonAction = 00000002Set "shut down" as default action when pressing Alt-F4
LowRiskFileTypes = .exe .rar .7z .txt .html .gif .png .jpg .jpeg .avi .mpg .mpeg .flac .mp4 .mkv .mp3 .pls .m3u .wav Tired of Windows telling you that network drives are unsafe locations? This setting should fix that for some common file types.
NoDriveTypeAutoRun = 00000095Disable CD auto-run.
AccentColor = FF1080FFWindows orange when active, blue when inactive.
AccentColorInactive = FF805020Windows orange when active, blue when inactive.
LangID = 09,04This will try to change the system language to english (unverified).
MultiUILanguageID = 00000409This will try to change the system language to english (unverified).
DisableSearchBoxSuggestions = 00000001Stop searching the web when using the start menu.
NoWindowMinimizingShortcuts = 00000001Sometimes when moving around a window, all other windows are suddenly minimized. This setting should prevent that.
EnableCursorSuppression = 00000000Show the pointer all the time while starting up Windows.
EnableLinkedConnections = 00000001Allow running .exe files from network drives.
VerboseStatus = 00000001Show slightly more status information while Windows is starting up.
AllowCortana = 00000000Disable Cortana
AllowCortanaAboveLock = 00000000Disable Cortana
NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers = 00000001Certain Windows updates will force a reboot while you're working with the machine. This setting will prevent that.
Default = 0409This will try to change the system language to english (unverified).
InstallLanguage = 0409This will try to change the system language to english (unverified).
WaitToKillServiceTimeout = 20000Determines how long the system waits for services to stop after notifying the service that the system is shutting down. This entry is used only when the user issues a shut-down command.
When the value of this entry expires, the system notifies the user that the service has not stopped. The user can either force the service task to stop or continue to wait. If the user waits, this value specifies the interval between repeated user notices that the service has not stopped.
If all services stop before this value expires, the system shuts down; it does not wait for this value to expire.
LongPathsEnabled = 00000001Enable long paths. Starting in Windows 10, version 1607, MAX_PATH limitations have been removed from many common Win32 file and directory functions. However, your app must opt-in to the new behavior. Some Python applications require this to work.
Scancode Map = -Enable the Caps Lock key by removing any custom keyboard remapping.
same as above = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 3A 00 00 00 00 00Disable the Caps Lock key.
Attributes = 00000002Show power settings on lock screen in Windows 10.
HiberbootEnabled = 00000000Disable "Fast Start" which causes certain drivers to not load on start-up. This will make booting slower but may make the system more stable.
Autorun = 00000000Disable CD auto-run.
NoDriveTypeAutoRun = 00000095Disable CD auto-run.