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Hyperion EQ

screenshot A coloration equalizer. Somewhat based on Enceladus. Features:
  • Any saturation, compression and overdrive will only affect the frequency area of each band, rather than the whole signal.
  • Ability to listen solo to each band. The idea is to make you use your ears instead of relying on visuals.
  • When both "Drive" and "Level" are zero, the band is essentially bypassed.
  • The "Drive" knobs are completely independent of the "Level" knobs.
  • The output of this plugin does not have any DC offset.

Windows VST (32/64-bit)v7.260Download
Apple VST 64-bitv54.231Download
Apple AudioUnit 64-bitv54.231Download

Apple install guide

Version history

  • v7.260: Tried to fix weird version numbers.
  • v54.231: Set up OSX builds.
  • v1.254: First beta release.

Website by Joachim Michaelis