Music & Audio
Generate MIDI groove pattern
Use this simple tool to construct a midi bar containing 4 bars of the rhythm pattern you select.
The resulting midi files should be easy to turn into a groove pattern template in typical DAWs like Logic or whatever you're using.
Once you've created such a groove pattern, simply make sure everything in your song is quantized to this pattern.
But don't mix! If you use one of these patterns, all your instruments must follow that same pattern.
How To Use
SamplitudePlace the files in C:\ProgramData\MAGIX\Samplitude Pro X8 Suitex-preset\Grooves
Studio One Place the files in Presets/User Presets/Quantize Settings, and if they don't show up, use the "Re-Index-Presets" button at the bottom of the home page.
See also this page which shows how such non-western world rhythms can be analyzed.
Website by Joachim Michaelis