exoplanet_descriptions/wasp-70_a_b.txt Yunb Wo (WASP-70 A b) - Exoplanets
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Info for exoplanet "Yunb Wo"

Scientific (actual) data
PlanetWASP-70 A b
Planet statusConfirmed
Planet mass0.59
Mass sini0.59
Orbital period3.71302
Semi major axis0.04853
Orbit eccentricity0
Tzero tr2455740
Impact parameter0.431
Temperature (kelvin)1387
PublicationAnnounced on a professional conference
Detection typePrimary Transit
Mass detection typeRadial Velocity
Radius detection typePrimary Transit
Star nameWASP-70 A
Right ascension315.48°
Mag v10.79
Star distance245
Star metallicity-0.006
Star mass1.106
Star radius1.215
Star sp typeG4
Star age9.5
Star temperature5763
Wikipedia articleWASP-70 A b

Fictional info (?)
Suggested nameYunb Wo
Planet typeHot gas giant
It is named after the deity Yunb Wo, the bringer of the underworld.

Its north and south poles, therefore, lie where most other planets have their equators.
AtmosphereAmmonium hydrosulfide (NH4SH)89%
Atmospheric pressure0.001 bar
artist's rendition
No known satellites
Google search for Yunb wo

Website by Joachim Michaelis