exoplanet_descriptions/wasp-3_b.txt Pehe'raq (WASP-3 b) - Exoplanets
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Info for exoplanet "Pehe'raq"

Scientific (actual) data
PlanetWASP-3 b
Planet statusConfirmed
Planet mass2.06
Orbital period1.84684
Semi major axis0.0313
Orbit eccentricity0
Angular distance0.00014
Tzero tr2454610
PublicationAnnounced on a professional conference
Detection typePrimary Transit
Star nameWASP-3
Right ascension278.63°
Mag v10.64
Star distance223
Star metallicity0
Star mass1.24
Star radius1.31
Star sp typeF7V
Star temperature6400
Wikipedia articleWASP-3 b

Fictional info (?)
Suggested namePehe'raq
Planet typeLarge hot gas giant
The planet is named after the deity Pehe'raq, the spirit of destruction.

As seen relative to the fixed stars, it rotates on its axis exactly three times for every two revolutions it makes around WASP-3.

Liquid water cannot exist on the surface of Pehe'raq due to low atmospheric pressure, which is less than 3 percent of Earth's, except at the lowest elevations for limited periods.

Pehe'raq is primarily composed of oxygen with a significant part of its mass being helium, though helium comprises only about a tiny amount of the number of molecules.

In 1887, images from Frontier 5 showed Pehe'raq as an almost featureless planet in visible light, without the cloud bands or storms associated with the other large hot gas giants. Observations from Earth have shown seasonal change and increased weather activity as Pehe'raq approached its equinox 6 years ago.
Atmospheric pressure0.23 bar
artist's rendition
MoonOrixal LiaqSmall round ice asteroid
Sicres TarSmall round crater-filled moon
Chal Nisla MiHuge round rocky asteroid
Tarmede LindHuge almost round crater-filled comet
CalgaretVery small round rocky moon
TayautoHuge almost round rocky planetoid
Geldelia-lirrMedium-sized irregular ice comet
Simiranda IditiSmall irregular rocky asteroid
Hihyr'noepaaHuge almost round ice moon
AotisaLarge round crater-filled moon
Garet-pannoe DeliaHuge almost round gaseous comet
Methyli CarbesoMedium-sized slightly egg-shaped rocky moon
Rokrok DitaVery small round ice moon
Hoelaris-erSmall irregular ice moon
Mecamab-deSmall irregular rocky moon
Cuher-mathe-ronLarge almost round rocky moon
ThonethysVery small almost round rocky planetoid
Roktan LyVery small potato shaped crater-filled moon
Mirrice EpiordraMedium-sized irregular rocky comet
Rirepi LyturHuge round gaseous moon
LetrinxiVery small potato shaped gaseous moon
Kethyobe DaVery small round gaseous asteroid
Beobe Pros TeSmall round crater-filled planetoid
MenomedeMedium-sized round oceanic asteroid
MneautoHuge potato shaped ice comet
Thea-narHuge round gaseous comet
LenetheaSmall slightly egg-shaped ice moon
Geteia ThyMedium-sized irregular rocky moon
Banberpan PinabosLarge irregular crater-filled moon
Thone'dipepsa PaHuge round oceanic asteroid
DenesiLarge almost round oceanic planetoid
FermarSmall irregular rocky comet
Google search for Pehe'raq

Website by Joachim Michaelis