exoplanet_descriptions/wasp-39_b.txt Tatashi Me (WASP-39 b) - Exoplanets
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Info for exoplanet "Tatashi Me"

Scientific (actual) data
PlanetWASP-39 b
Planet statusConfirmed
Planet mass0.28
Orbital period4.05526
Semi major axis0.0486
Orbit eccentricity0
Angular distance0.000211
Tzero tr2455340
PublicationPublished in a refereed paper
Detection typePrimary Transit
MoleculesCO, CO2, H2O, K, Na, O
Star nameWASP-39
Right ascension217.33°
Mag v12.11
Star distance230
Star metallicity-0.12
Star mass0.93
Star radius0.895
Star sp typeG8
Star temperature5400
Wikipedia articleWASP-39 b

Fictional info (?)
Suggested nameTatashi Me
Planet typeHot gas giant
This planet is named after the deity Tatashi Me, the spirit of the underworld.

Tatashi Me is shrouded by an opaque layer of highly reflective clouds of sulfuric acid, preventing its surface from being seen from space in visible light.

Future targets for exploration in the Tatashi Me system include the probable ice-covered liquid ocean of its moon Gaja Home Myogyu.
Atmospheric pressure0.6 bar
artist's rendition
MoonPyomyo'shoSmall almost round crater-filled asteroid
Shimo WashuVery small slightly egg-shaped gaseous moon
Gaja Home MyogyuSmall irregular rocky asteroid
Ruyuda'gyoSmall irregular oceanic asteroid
RokuHuge almost round oceanic planetoid
Mugubemyu-riVery small slightly egg-shaped rocky planetoid
Johyugyo-sashoMedium-sized potato shaped crater-filled comet
JomohyuMedium-sized round crater-filled moon
Paya'tate'hoMedium-sized round oceanic moon
Kyusurya MomoHuge slightly egg-shaped gaseous asteroid
Pemupi'togoHuge round ice planetoid
FumyabyuVery small round ice asteroid
Hehyuno PihasaVery small slightly egg-shaped ice asteroid
Sebipya-nanuSmall round oceanic moon
Nonbo Gazu MenuHuge almost round crater-filled moon
Petanyu-mosone-myuHuge irregular rocky asteroid
Nmecho Jowaka ShuSmall irregular crater-filled moon
Donya-seLarge almost round oceanic moon
GyaseVery small almost round crater-filled moon
Oagyo Tebyu-heMedium-sized almost round oceanic moon
Gyunohyo-roMedium-sized round ice asteroid
Teryo-gazonyu NyuSmall almost round rocky planetoid
PubyoLarge irregular gaseous moon
Zechu PaSmall almost round gaseous moon
JaehiHuge almost round gaseous moon
Fubu Jane-daryaMedium-sized round rocky asteroid
Yoze-teLarge round ice moon
Myugopo HyanyaLarge round crater-filled asteroid
Pyukome-nrapanuLarge irregular rocky moon
ByaaheHuge round oceanic planetoid
Reyopi MekyoMedium-sized potato shaped oceanic moon
Eyonpeba'poVery small almost round oceanic asteroid
PikizeSmall round rocky comet
Zemya GashiVery small irregular ice asteroid
ShukibeSmall round oceanic moon
MomuryoHuge round rocky asteroid
Google search for Tatashi me

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