Fictional info (?) |
Suggested name | Tatashi Me |
Planet type | Hot gas giant |
This planet is named after the deity Tatashi Me, the spirit of the underworld.
Tatashi Me is shrouded by an opaque layer of highly reflective clouds of sulfuric acid, preventing its surface from being seen from space in visible light.
Future targets for exploration in the Tatashi Me system include the probable ice-covered liquid ocean of its moon Gaja Home Myogyu. |
Atmosphere | O | 58% |
Na, | 26% |
CO2, | 14% |
K, | 1.6% |
H2O, | 0.11% |
CO, | 2.7E-5% |
Atmospheric pressure | 0.6 bar |
Moon | Pyomyo'sho | Small almost round crater-filled asteroid |
Shimo Washu | Very small slightly egg-shaped gaseous moon |
Gaja Home Myogyu | Small irregular rocky asteroid |
Ruyuda'gyo | Small irregular oceanic asteroid |
Roku | Huge almost round oceanic planetoid |
Mugubemyu-ri | Very small slightly egg-shaped rocky planetoid |
Johyugyo-sasho | Medium-sized potato shaped crater-filled comet |
Jomohyu | Medium-sized round crater-filled moon |
Paya'tate'ho | Medium-sized round oceanic moon |
Kyusurya Momo | Huge slightly egg-shaped gaseous asteroid |
Pemupi'togo | Huge round ice planetoid |
Fumyabyu | Very small round ice asteroid |
Hehyuno Pihasa | Very small slightly egg-shaped ice asteroid |
Sebipya-nanu | Small round oceanic moon |
Nonbo Gazu Menu | Huge almost round crater-filled moon |
Petanyu-mosone-myu | Huge irregular rocky asteroid |
Nmecho Jowaka Shu | Small irregular crater-filled moon |
Donya-se | Large almost round oceanic moon |
Gyase | Very small almost round crater-filled moon |
Oagyo Tebyu-he | Medium-sized almost round oceanic moon |
Gyunohyo-ro | Medium-sized round ice asteroid |
Teryo-gazonyu Nyu | Small almost round rocky planetoid |
Pubyo | Large irregular gaseous moon |
Zechu Pa | Small almost round gaseous moon |
Jaehi | Huge almost round gaseous moon |
Fubu Jane-darya | Medium-sized round rocky asteroid |
Yoze-te | Large round ice moon |
Myugopo Hyanya | Large round crater-filled asteroid |
Pyukome-nrapanu | Large irregular rocky moon |
Byaahe | Huge round oceanic planetoid |
Reyopi Mekyo | Medium-sized potato shaped oceanic moon |
Eyonpeba'po | Very small almost round oceanic asteroid |
Pikize | Small round rocky comet |
Zemya Gashi | Very small irregular ice asteroid |
Shukibe | Small round oceanic moon |
Momuryo | Huge round rocky asteroid |
Google search for Tatashi me |