exoplanet_descriptions/wasp-126_b.txt Amot Umu (WASP-126 b) - Exoplanets
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Info for exoplanet "Amot Umu"

Scientific (actual) data
PlanetWASP-126 b
Planet statusConfirmed
Planet mass0.2841
Orbital period3.2888
Semi major axis0.0449
Orbit eccentricity0.18
Tzero tr2456890
Impact parameter0.3
Temperature (kelvin)1480
PublicationPublished in a refereed paper
Detection typePrimary Transit
Mass detection typeRadial Velocity
Radius detection typePrimary Transit
Alternate namesTOI-114 b
Star nameWASP-126
Right ascension63.38°
Mag v10.8
Star distance234
Star metallicity0.17
Star mass1.12
Star radius1.27
Star sp typeG2
Star age6.4
Star temperature5800
Wikipedia articleWASP-126 b

Fictional info (?)
Suggested nameAmot Umu
Planet typeHot gas giant
The interior of Amot Umu is mainly composed of ices and stone. This hot gas giant is named after the deity Amot Umu, the demon of destruction.

Amot Umu is primarily composed of hydrogen deuteride (HD) with a significant part of its mass being sulfur dioxide, though sulfur dioxide comprises only about a limited fraction of the number of molecules.

Amot Umu has been explored on several occasions by robotic spacecraft, most notably during the early Pioneer and Frontier flyby missions and later by the Galileo orbiter.
AtmosphereHydrogen deuteride (HD)62%
Sulfur dioxide38%
Atmospheric pressure2.9 bar
artist's rendition
MoonIlege-heleroLarge irregular rocky moon
Qawupa'pVery small round rocky moon
Reko'xegi-vixSmall irregular rocky moon
Yfesot-uMedium-sized potato shaped ice asteroid
UsapaVery small almost round rocky comet
Ivyxy-rHuge slightly egg-shaped rocky moon
RoriLarge slightly egg-shaped oceanic moon
DeroraHuge almost round crater-filled moon
UcanyneLarge slightly egg-shaped gaseous asteroid
Uwaquwu NyrewSmall irregular ice comet
DinaSmall irregular rocky moon
Orit ArobiSmall slightly egg-shaped rocky moon
Omanal OsyMedium-sized irregular rocky asteroid
JuryhiLarge irregular ice comet
Sini'fafe BynHuge round oceanic moon
Sakemi-wSmall potato shaped ice asteroid
Defeciq AnunHuge round rocky comet
Isare-siVery small irregular ice comet
Uzuruse ButiLarge almost round ice moon
LahirabLarge round rocky moon
EzyniwSmall irregular rocky comet
Ixinu-senoMedium-sized almost round rocky moon
Sasedag OrasaHuge potato shaped rocky asteroid
Google search for Amot umu

Website by Joachim Michaelis