exoplanet_descriptions/toi-700_e.txt Eqwai (TOI-700 e) - Exoplanets
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Info for exoplanet "Eqwai"

Scientific (actual) data
PlanetTOI-700 e
Planet statusConfirmed
Orbital period27.8098
Semi major axis0.134
Orbit eccentricity0.059
Tzero tr2458960
Impact parameter0.47
PublicationPublished in a refereed paper
Detection typePrimary Transit
Radius detection typePrimary Transit
Star nameTOI-700
Right ascension97.1°
Mag v13
Star distance31.127
Star metallicity-0.07
Star mass0.416
Star radius0.42
Star sp typeM2V
Star age1.5
Star temperature3480
Wikipedia articleTOI-700 e

Fictional info (?)
Suggested nameEqwai
Planet typeCold planet
This planet is named after the deity Eqwai, the demon of love and beauty.

As one of the most noticeable objects in the sky, Eqwai has been a major factor in native culture for as long as records have existed.

The volume of water detected has been estimated to be equivalent to the volume of water in Earth's oceans.

Its apparent magnitude reaches -3, which is surpassed only by Shaib-yeqen, Wokyue, and TOI-700.

It may also have a rocky core of heavier elements, but like the other cold planets, Eqwai lacks a well-defined magnetic field.
Atmospheric pressure0.001 bar
artist's rendition
MoonYuxwengMedium-sized irregular crater-filled asteroid
Fyang Mwak YaoMedium-sized round crater-filled moon
AofaiVery small round gaseous moon
YanrLarge almost round rocky comet
YanmyingfMedium-sized irregular crater-filled moon
Wanc Yanzh-angMedium-sized round rocky moon
Yeqye ZhouHuge irregular oceanic comet
OulwangHuge almost round rocky comet
Etyaoy YueSmall round crater-filled planetoid
Yuefying RwenHuge round crater-filled moon
Yueswa-dyiHuge almost round oceanic planetoid
Waherd OuSmall slightly egg-shaped crater-filled planetoid
ZyongLarge round ice planetoid
Wakyuan-kMedium-sized slightly egg-shaped rocky moon
YaozwenHuge round gaseous comet
ByubacHuge irregular ice asteroid
Cwen-tanVery small potato shaped ice asteroid
Zhen'gyou ZengMedium-sized slightly egg-shaped gaseous asteroid
ZozengVery small irregular gaseous planetoid
Sakai-myilwai'xSmall almost round oceanic moon
WeiwyinhSmall irregular crater-filled moon
Zwengw EngryonSmall irregular oceanic comet
HyizeiLarge almost round gaseous asteroid
Twengx EiVery small round rocky comet
EiqahwengVery small round ice asteroid
Otwojang-hMedium-sized round oceanic moon
Ryink YaolwangSmall almost round ice moon
QeilyeMedium-sized round gaseous asteroid
Angwen Yyim YeSmall almost round gaseous planetoid
Angsh YinSmall slightly egg-shaped crater-filled moon
YouxaoMedium-sized almost round rocky asteroid
Yuangyun JoshHuge slightly egg-shaped rocky asteroid
Aiwyaoq-yurweiVery small irregular ice asteroid
ZenggwanVery small almost round rocky moon
Ryepoug YeVery small almost round crater-filled asteroid
Yatyang ChyaHuge almost round oceanic asteroid
Google search for Eqwai

Website by Joachim Michaelis