exoplanet_descriptions/kepler-69_b.txt Domeiaka-porie (Kepler-69 b) - Astro
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Info for exoplanet "Domeiaka-porie"

Scientific (actual) data
PlanetKepler-69 b
Planet statusConfirmed
Orbital period13.7223
Semi major axis0.094
Orbit eccentricity0.16
Tzero tr2454970
Impact parameter0.15
Temperature (kelvin)779
PublicationPublished in a refereed paper
Detection typePrimary Transit
Alternate names2MASS J19330262+4452080 b, K00172.01, KIC 8692861 b, KOI-172 b, KOI-172.01, WISE J193302.61+445208.0 b
Star nameKepler-69
Right ascension293.26°
Mag v13.7
Mag j12.631
Mag h12.284
Star distance746.33
Star metallicity-0.29
Star mass0.81
Star radius0.93
Star sp typeG4 V
Star temperature5638
Star alternate names2MASS J19330262+4452080, KIC 8692861, KOI-172, WISE J193302.61+445208.0
Wikipedia articleKepler-69 b

Fictional info (?)
Suggested nameDomeiaka-porie
Planet typeWarm planet
Domeiaka-porie is the fourth planet from Kepler-69 and the second-smallest planet in its solar system.

This planet is named after the deity Domeiaka-porie, the spirit of war.

It is radically different from Maka in other respects.

It was the one of the first exoplanets visited by a spacecraft, and one of the first to be successfully landed on.

Future astrobiology missions are planned, including the Domeiaka-porie 3100 and ExoDomeiaka-porie rovers.
AtmosphereMolecular hydrogen76%
Carbon dioxide12%
Ammonium hydrosulfide (NH4SH)5.6%
Atmospheric pressure12 bar
artist's rendition
MoonYmirteusVery small almost round crater-filled moon
Aoatadjot MetaniaHuge almost round crater-filled asteroid
Anosa StephVery small irregular gaseous asteroid
TopornyVery small round crater-filled moon
Mone-domeLarge almost round crater-filled moon
KomalmneLarge round crater-filled comet
Lirr Clihi MisrasLarge round rocky moon
Jotsto Makahi RiSmall irregular oceanic planetoid
AecheLarge round rocky planetoid
Iaeuan-masMedium-sized irregular rocky moon
Lelyal-lykerheaVery small almost round crater-filled moon
BercaHuge irregular ice asteroid
Stedra TheaLarge irregular ice moon
BethepinaHuge slightly egg-shaped crater-filled asteroid
Deede EuryLarge almost round oceanic comet
Pevosbe TisidaVery small round gaseous moon
Deuces DahepoSmall almost round rocky comet
Neresyco NaiadVery small irregular oceanic planetoid
Cargete DichakinMedium-sized round rocky moon
Mispro-rheare'tiMedium-sized almost round gaseous moon
Farpina CrescuSmall slightly egg-shaped crater-filled asteroid
Noelene MetheusHuge round crater-filled moon
Bosmab Roken-carMedium-sized round gaseous planetoid
Orix NixmisHuge irregular rocky moon
Rela ObebeSmall slightly egg-shaped rocky asteroid
Onegreip CylSmall round crater-filled comet
HapidkeVery small irregular gaseous asteroid
Pakosur PaataySmall round oceanic planetoid
Trin'araVery small irregular crater-filled moon
LiaqLarge round rocky comet
Porde-nerethy-pidMedium-sized almost round oceanic asteroid
Google search for Domeiaka-porie

Website by Joachim Michaelis