exoplanet_descriptions/kepler-5_b.txt Wwaswai'gyin (Kepler-5 b) - Astro
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Info for exoplanet "Wwaswai'gyin"

Scientific (actual) data
PlanetKepler-5 b
Planet statusConfirmed
Planet mass2.111
Orbital period3.54847
Semi major axis0.0538
Orbit eccentricity0
Tzero tr2454960
Impact parameter0.0968
Temperature (kelvin)1750
PublicationAnnounced on a website
Detection typePrimary Transit
Alternate names2MASS J19573768+4402061 b, K00018.01, KIC 8191672 b, KOI-18 b, KOI-18.01, WISE J195737.69+440206.0 b
Star nameKepler-5
Right ascension299.41°
Mag j12.115
Mag h11.863
Star distance923.41
Star metallicity0.04
Star mass1.37
Star radius1.79
Star temperature6297
Star alternate names2MASS J19573768+4402061, KIC 8191672, KOI-18, WISE J195737.69+440206.0
Wikipedia articleKepler-5 b

Fictional info (?)
Suggested nameWwaswai'gyin
Planet typeLarge hot gas giant
Wwaswai'gyin's atmosphere is similar to Aowwo-myong's in its primary composition of carbon dioxide and water, but it contains more "ices" such as water, ammonia, and methane, along with traces of other hydrocarbons. This large hot gas giant is named after the deity Wwaswai'gyin, the god of the underworld.

Wwaswai'gyin is gravitationally locked with Kepler-5 in a 3:2 spin-orbit resonance, and rotates in a way that is unique in its solar system.
Estimated population6000000
AtmosphereCarbon dioxide74%
Atmospheric pressure60 bar
artist's rendition
MoonDyongVery small irregular ice moon
DezyanHuge round rocky moon
HerchyiHuge almost round gaseous asteroid
Anpyang NwangLarge round rocky moon
Eiso Dwai FweiMedium-sized slightly egg-shaped oceanic comet
OwyaoMedium-sized round rocky asteroid
Caigan ShSmall slightly egg-shaped ice moon
Yeywen-myingLarge slightly egg-shaped ice asteroid
Shwu Byash YuanSmall irregular gaseous comet
Wain AngMedium-sized slightly egg-shaped rocky asteroid
Oubyong MwaSmall round crater-filled moon
NeigyaoLarge slightly egg-shaped ice comet
Aishai ZhwoyLarge potato shaped crater-filled comet
YaomMedium-sized irregular oceanic moon
CercSmall round crater-filled moon
Eihye YwangHuge potato shaped oceanic moon
TaolweiVery small irregular rocky asteroid
ChangVery small round rocky planetoid
Yuancad-yansyanSmall potato shaped rocky asteroid
Chanm Angkyou ShMedium-sized slightly egg-shaped rocky moon
Yint WukyangHuge slightly egg-shaped crater-filled asteroid
Zhyongf EngSmall round rocky planetoid
FerlyaoLarge potato shaped gaseous moon
Hwang TyingSmall round ice comet
WyongSmall irregular gaseous asteroid
Wamwei Zyuw WaLarge round crater-filled comet
Wanqying-kyaoHuge almost round gaseous comet
Fyueyai ChanlMedium-sized potato shaped oceanic moon
Shaw Yuan-zwenLarge round gaseous moon
Roul'yunh-edyiLarge potato shaped gaseous planetoid
Google search for Wwaswai'gyin

Website by Joachim Michaelis