exoplanet_descriptions/kepler-56_b.txt Nawonef Eb (Kepler-56 b) - Exoplanets
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Info for exoplanet "Nawonef Eb"

Scientific (actual) data
PlanetKepler-56 b
Planet statusConfirmed
Planet mass0.07
Mass sini0.0944
Orbital period10.5016
Semi major axis0.1028
Orbit eccentricity0.04
Tzero tr2454970
PublicationPublished in a refereed paper
Detection typePrimary Transit
Alternate names2MASS J19350200+4152187 b, K01241.02, KIC 6448890 b, KOI-1241 b, KOI-1241.02, WISE J193501.99+415218.5 b
Star nameKepler-56
Right ascension293.76°
Mag v13
Mag j10.813
Mag h10.33
Star distance936.96
Star metallicity0.2
Star mass1.32
Star radius4.23
Star age3.5
Star temperature4840
Star alternate names2MASS J19350200+4152187, KIC 6448890, KOI-1241, WISE J193501.99+415218.5
Wikipedia articleKepler-56 b

Fictional info (?)
Suggested nameNawonef Eb
Planet typeTerrestrial
In English, Nawonef Eb is often referred to as the "green planet" because the methane prevalent on its surface gives it a scary green appearance that is recognizable among the astronomical bodies visible to the naked eye.

For this reason, scientists often classify Nawonef Eb and Raxyri Liwat as "terrestrials" to distinguish them from the other planets. The planet is named after the deity Nawonef Eb, the demon of love and beauty.

Its orbital eccentricity is the largest of all known planets in its solar system; at perihelion, Nawonef Eb's distance from Kepler-56 is only about two-thirds (or 86 pct) of its distance at aphelion.

It was the one of the first exoplanets visited by a spacecraft, and one of the first to be successfully landed on.

There are ongoing investigations assessing the future terraforming potential of Nawonef Eb, as well as the possibility of extant life.

The latest probe to visit the planet is Juno, which entered into orbit around Nawonef Eb after a rather challenging journey.

Its north and south poles, therefore, lie where most other planets have their equators. Wind speeds can reach 68 metres per second.

This lovely planet is crowded with barbaric and medieval herbivores, the "Nedo", which feed in deep valleys by devouring smaller pray. Most Nedo are related to the Katace Nece and have 6 tentacles and vary in size from 40 to 100 cm. The Nedo are known to survive temperatures from 140 to 220°C and to some degree predators attacking which is common on Nawonef eb.
Estimated population50000000000
Carbon dioxide7.6%
Atmospheric pressure0.003 bar
artist's rendition
MoonTace Fite WaLarge round crater-filled moon
Uwemogy KawSmall round ice moon
RezimaSmall irregular ice moon
ReqyVery small irregular rocky asteroid
Orewo-ritod IrHuge almost round crater-filled comet
Ewulexi LeseniVery small almost round crater-filled moon
Esugi PujHuge almost round ice moon
YteziSmall round rocky planetoid
EsepHuge almost round ice planetoid
Cebi'penegSmall round oceanic asteroid
Fasare-metohexSmall slightly egg-shaped oceanic planetoid
Ekipase VereneVery small irregular rocky asteroid
Pere MoriSmall slightly egg-shaped rocky planetoid
NanonSmall almost round crater-filled moon
Baro-nLarge almost round ice moon
Niner-ixezeHuge slightly egg-shaped crater-filled moon
OhesVery small irregular crater-filled moon
LaceVery small almost round gaseous moon
LarikVery small irregular rocky planetoid
EvoqoresHuge potato shaped ice moon
Ifen-utow OwosVery small almost round oceanic moon
ZineseVery small round ice planetoid
Jinete KonaheSmall slightly egg-shaped ice moon
AkucotMedium-sized potato shaped ice asteroid
Pize Myra DiSmall potato shaped gaseous moon
Qawezab-enosadiSmall irregular oceanic moon
Elyfuta DewSmall irregular crater-filled moon
Pema RetatLarge irregular gaseous moon
Utegoxo NirHuge round rocky moon
Okedixu-neHuge almost round rocky comet
Doni RodSmall round rocky asteroid
Gosi NygSmall round oceanic asteroid
OnarVery small irregular oceanic asteroid
RexuxesiSmall round crater-filled moon
Areqeni'wHuge almost round rocky asteroid
UtiwoHuge potato shaped oceanic asteroid
NepizocSmall irregular gaseous moon
Owev Ihep-ugylMedium-sized potato shaped rocky moon
Zudic-uzeqe RedHuge almost round gaseous asteroid
Monozon IwufMedium-sized irregular crater-filled asteroid
Enoges'ejoSmall potato shaped oceanic moon
Google search for Nawonef eb

Website by Joachim Michaelis