exoplanet_descriptions/kepler-33_b.txt Uqkenoe'hytungr (Kepler-33 b) - Astro
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Info for exoplanet "Uqkenoe'hytungr"

Scientific (actual) data
PlanetKepler-33 b
Planet statusConfirmed
Orbital period5.66793
Semi major axis0.0677
Orbit eccentricity0
Tzero tr2454960
Impact parameter0.5
PublicationPublished in a refereed paper
Detection typePrimary Transit
Alternate names2MASS J19161861+4600187 b, GSC 03542-01616 b, K00707.05, KIC 9458613 b, KOI-707 b, KOI-707.05, WISE J191618.60+460018.7 b
Star nameKepler-33
Right ascension289.08°
Mag v14
Mag j12.871
Mag h12.62
Star distance1252.84
Star metallicity0.025
Star mass1.29
Star radius1.82
Star age4.27
Star temperature5904
Star alternate names2MASS J19161861+4600187, GSC 03542-01616, KIC 9458613, KOI-707, WISE J191618.60+460018.7
Wikipedia articleKepler-33 b

Fictional info (?)
Suggested nameUqkenoe'hytungr
Planet typeHot planet
Uqkenoe'hytungr and Ijimebauti are hot planets rich in rock. It is named after the deity Uqkenoe'hytungr, the god of the underworld.

At this time it may appear as a bright star-like object, but is often far more difficult to observe than Ijimebauti.

Uqkenoe'hytungr's surface appears slightly scarred and is similar in appearance to the Moon's, indicating that it has been geologically inactive for billions of years.

The volume of water ice in the south polar ice cap, if melted, would be sufficient to cover the entire planetary surface to a depth of 15 meters.
Nitric oxide5.5%
Atmospheric pressure1.7 bar
artist's rendition
No known satellites
Google search for Uqkenoe'hytungr

Website by Joachim Michaelis