exoplanet_descriptions/kepler-18_b.txt Boslyp'girlirr (Kepler-18 b) - Astro
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Info for exoplanet "Boslyp'girlirr"

Scientific (actual) data
PlanetKepler-18 b
Planet statusConfirmed
Planet mass0.022
Orbital period3.50472
Semi major axis0.0447
Orbit eccentricity0
Tzero tr2454970
Impact parameter0.771
PublicationPublished in a refereed paper
Detection typePrimary Transit
Alternate names2MASS J19521906+4444467 b, GSC 03149-02089 b, K00137.03, KIC 8644288 b, KOI-137 b, KOI-137.03, WISE J195219.06+444446.6 b
Star nameKepler-18
Right ascension298.08°
Mag v14
Mag j12.189
Mag h11.873
Star distance438.51
Star metallicity0.19
Star mass0.97
Star radius1.11
Star age10
Star temperature5345
Star alternate names2MASS J19521906+4444467, GSC 03149-02089, KIC 8644288, KOI-137, WISE J195219.06+444446.6
Wikipedia articleKepler-18 b

Fictional info (?)
Suggested nameBoslyp'girlirr
Planet typeSmall hot gas planet
This planet is named after the deity Boslyp'girlirr, the bringer of destruction.

An observer on Boslyp'girlirr would therefore see only one day every three years.

It is radically different from Earth in other respects. Boslyp'girlirr is shrouded by an opaque layer of highly reflective clouds of sulfuric acid, preventing its surface from being seen from space in visible light.
AtmosphereHydrogen peroxide49%
Nitric oxide13%
Carbon dioxide0.14%
Atmospheric pressure15 bar
artist's rendition
No known satellites
Google search for Boslyp'girlirr

Website by Joachim Michaelis