exoplanet_descriptions/kepler-15_b.txt Nyzug (Kepler-15 b) - Exoplanets
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Info for exoplanet "Nyzug"

Scientific (actual) data
PlanetKepler-15 b
Planet statusConfirmed
Planet mass0.66
Orbital period4.94278
Semi major axis0.05714
Orbit eccentricity0.06
Tzero tr2454970
Impact parameter0.554
Temperature (kelvin)1225
PublicationPublished in a refereed paper
Detection typePrimary Transit
Alternate names2MASS J19444814+4908244 b, K00128.01, KIC 11359879 b, KOI-128 b, KOI-128.01, WISE J194448.21+490824.1 b
Star nameKepler-15
Right ascension296.2°
Mag v13.8
Mag j12.578
Mag h12.282
Star distance755.38
Star metallicity0.36
Star mass1.02
Star radius0.99
Star age3.7
Star temperature5515
Star alternate names2MASS J19444814+4908244, KIC 11359879, KOI-128, WISE J194448.21+490824.1
Wikipedia articleKepler-15 b

Fictional info (?)
Suggested nameNyzug
Planet typeHot gas giant
The planet is named after the deity Nyzug, the bringer of chaos.

Nyzug is gravitationally locked with Kepler-15 in a 4:3 spin-orbit resonance, and rotates in a way that is unique in its solar system.

Its orbital eccentricity is the largest of all known planets in its solar system; at perihelion, Nyzug's distance from Kepler-15 is only about two-thirds (or 96 pct) of its distance at aphelion.

Optical ground-based telescopes are typically limited to resolving features about 300 kilometers across when Nyzug is closest because of Visupec's atmosphere.
Carbonyl sulfide36%
Carbon dioxide19%
Atmospheric pressure26 bar
artist's rendition
MoonEvafewu'dufumaMedium-sized irregular rocky asteroid
Rosemun EhHuge almost round oceanic asteroid
Qima Ryku'nSmall almost round rocky asteroid
Adef AxSmall round rocky moon
Nanyceq-eSmall round ice comet
Meges InuxedSmall almost round rocky planetoid
Ojesyca PetegiLarge round oceanic asteroid
NokaHuge slightly egg-shaped gaseous comet
Oref'otiz Yqob-oSmall round rocky moon
EjenosSmall potato shaped ice moon
ZekutaVery small round oceanic comet
GuxipLarge round gaseous comet
Idevyk'opigut-yVery small irregular oceanic asteroid
Nazomih EtVery small irregular gaseous moon
Zezega VexuLarge almost round gaseous planetoid
OpososuSmall potato shaped rocky asteroid
Eterod'eHuge irregular gaseous comet
Yxibovu CosyLarge potato shaped rocky comet
Equraf'olacadiHuge potato shaped rocky moon
UfimeriLarge almost round rocky asteroid
Urury'nonal UnHuge irregular oceanic moon
Eritizi NohMedium-sized round ice asteroid
LucawiSmall round rocky moon
Kecet Yxyne'nHuge round oceanic moon
Cuxa VuLarge round gaseous asteroid
UrutoLarge potato shaped rocky asteroid
Pubuti-caraty'bMedium-sized irregular ice comet
Adyz-ekavVery small slightly egg-shaped ice moon
Yraneq AcakaSmall irregular gaseous planetoid
NifizacSmall round ice moon
Ronexo NokLarge potato shaped gaseous asteroid
Netegil-ynaSmall potato shaped gaseous planetoid
RibuSmall round rocky moon
InudaHuge almost round crater-filled asteroid
CemeMedium-sized round gaseous moon
Ahok Eryk-edaz-uHuge round rocky asteroid
Zofaxow-ugakeSmall slightly egg-shaped oceanic asteroid
Google search for Nyzug

Website by Joachim Michaelis