exoplanet_descriptions/kelt-12_b.txt Nsoro (KELT-12 b) - Exoplanets
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Info for exoplanet "Nsoro"

Scientific (actual) data
PlanetKELT-12 b
Planet statusConfirmed
Planet mass0.95
Orbital period5.03161
Semi major axis0.0617
Orbit eccentricity0
Tzero tr2456810
Impact parameter0.587
PublicationPublished in a refereed paper
Detection typePrimary Transit
Mass detection typeRadial Velocity
Radius detection typePrimary Transit
Alternate namesWASP-86 b
Star nameWASP-86
Right ascension267.64°
Mag v10.66
Star distance360
Star metallicity0.23
Star mass1.239
Star radius1.291
Star sp typeF7
Star age0.8
Star temperature6330
Star alternate namesKELT-12, 2MASS J17503372+3634128, TYC 2619-1057-1
Wikipedia articleKELT-12 b

Fictional info (?)
Suggested nameNsoro
Planet typeHot gas giant
It has the longest rotation period (445 days) of any planet in its solar system and rotates in the opposite direction to most other planets.

This hot gas giant is named after the deity Nsoro, the goddess of good fortune.

At this time it may appear as a bright star-like object, but is often far more difficult to observe than Sanyo-bu.

The inhospitable oceans are crawling with small but primordial herbivores known as "Byowo Hi". They spend their life in caves by hunting the somewhat smaller "Makyo Myo" They are similar to the Nakyo Rejimi but with wings and vary in size from 5 to 10 cm. Most Byowo Hi are known to withstand temperatures from -10 to 40°C and near-vacuum.
Estimated population700000000
Carbon dioxide4.4%
Atmospheric pressure8 bar
artist's rendition
No known satellites
Google search for Nsoro

Website by Joachim Michaelis