exoplanet_descriptions/kelt-10_b.txt Eteto Ce (KELT-10 b) - Exoplanets
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Info for exoplanet "Eteto Ce"

Scientific (actual) data
PlanetKELT-10 b
Planet statusConfirmed
Planet mass0.679
Mass sini0.679
Orbital period4.16629
Semi major axis0.0525
Tzero tr2457180
Impact parameter0.23
Temperature (kelvin)1377
PublicationPublished in a refereed paper
Detection typePrimary Transit
Mass detection typeRadial Velocity
Radius detection typePrimary Transit
Star nameKELT-10
Right ascension284.55°
Mag v10.8
Star distance183
Star metallicity0.09
Star mass1.112
Star radius1.209
Star age4.5
Star temperature5948
Wikipedia articleKELT-10 b

Fictional info (?)
Suggested nameEteto Ce
Planet typeHot gas giant
Eteto Ce is similar in composition to Iqyb Afat-y, and both have different bulk chemical composition from that of the larger hot gas giants. The planet is named after the deity Eteto Ce, the spirit of good fortune.

Eteto Ce is gravitationally locked with KELT-10 in a 4:3 spin-orbit resonance, and rotates in a way that is unique in its solar system.

Eteto Ce's axis has the smallest tilt of any of its solar system's planets.

In November 3000, NASA reported finding a large amount of underground ice in the Utopia Planitia region of Eteto Ce.
Nitric oxide0.41%
Sulfur dioxide0.022%
Atmospheric pressure70 bar
artist's rendition
MoonEvopigHuge slightly egg-shaped ice moon
DegaVery small almost round gaseous planetoid
AnukikMedium-sized irregular rocky comet
QuvoqHuge round ice moon
Kexi Joro'maLarge potato shaped ice asteroid
Sykepi SiwikSmall round rocky asteroid
Google search for Eteto ce

Website by Joachim Michaelis