Space Astro
Info for exoplanet "Chamya"
Scientific (actual) data |
Planet | 2MASS J0459-2853 |
Planet status | Confirmed |
Planet mass | 8 |
Radius | 1.32 |
Updated | 2022-01-23 |
Temperature (kelvin) | 1152 |
Log g | 4.06 |
Publication | Published in a refereed paper |
Detection type | Imaging |
Mass detection type | Spectrum |
Radius detection type | Flux |
Alternate names | 2MASS J04590034-2853396 |
Right ascension | 14.75° |
Declination | -28.89° |
Star distance | 38 |
Wikipedia article | 2MASS J0459-2853 |
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Fictional info (?) |
Suggested name | Chamya |
Planet type | Huge cold gas giant |
This huge cold gas giant is named after the deity Chamya, the spirit of hate.
The latest probe to visit the planet is Racer, which entered into orbit around Chamya after a rather very expensive journey. |
Atmosphere | Neon | 75% |
Nitric oxide | 18% |
Molecular hydrogen | 5% |
Helium | 0.96% |
Atmospheric pressure | 0.4 bar |
Moon | Jokepyu Myu | Small round rocky comet |
Pyago Busa-bi | Huge almost round rocky comet |
Regegya Umyugyo | Medium-sized slightly egg-shaped gaseous asteroid |
Tsuku Kosho-wa | Medium-sized slightly egg-shaped gaseous planetoid |
Kyurya Gyu | Large almost round rocky asteroid |
Arutsu | Huge almost round rocky moon |
Kyarya Chi | Small irregular rocky asteroid |
Myahyo | Small irregular rocky moon |
Behya-mo | Small slightly egg-shaped rocky moon |
Waso Shu | Very small irregular crater-filled moon |
Shuere Kya | Small potato shaped ice comet |
Hyukeu Zadaryu | Large potato shaped oceanic moon |
Nepya'tasa | Huge almost round gaseous moon |
Dogyama'me | Medium-sized irregular gaseous planetoid |
Pyomada-garepi | Huge irregular crater-filled moon |
Shuzuja Myagepya | Large almost round oceanic moon |
Sokeido | Small potato shaped gaseous moon |
Gosho'pemo | Very small potato shaped rocky comet |
Kyorya Hi | Small round crater-filled moon |
Google search for Chamya |
Website by Joachim Michaelis