Okay, I think this CSS3 feature is now available on so many browsers and platforms (Firefox, IE 11, Edge, Chrome, Opera, iPhone, Android etc.) that it seems safe to use this in web pages.
Depending on the width of your display, different amount of columns should be visible.
Try resizing your browser window or rotating your phone or table 90° to see how the columns handle that.
So this time there's gonna be a <h3> title inside the columns to see what will happen.
Obviously the differnt font size makes causes the lines to not align well.
This headline is inside the columns and might look odd
Here's some random text to fill up the space so that we can see if it looks good.
The main character displayed by Bill Watterson's experience, get a relationship with a rapidograph fountain pen, and he has time in choosing the period from November 26, 1985 and the event, a term which he adapted this jargon and Hobbes Lazy Sunday Strip as all girls are slimy, "but other, to retaliate Susie's creations tend took great pride downhill in a wagon, sled, or deer" to justify his destructive reader's imagination for the duration. The scene of restraint, of which case you'll see that my relationship with Calvin's section to Hobbes is truer.
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