A gapper plug-in for Jeskola Buzz that features filters, de-clicker and a time travel feature.
Dry/wet mix: Sets the mix ratio between the dry signal and the chopped up signal.
Trigger: Everytime you set this parameter, sound is triggered. Large values keep the sound open for an entire tick, like traditional gapper machines. Shorter values result in a logaritmic decay curve.
Customizable: This sets the value of the assignable parameter. You can specify what this column does using the "10" command.
Frequency: Controls the butterworth filters. Center frequency of current gap being played. This has no effect if "Bandwidth" is set to the default maximum value "OFF".
Bandwidth: The smaller then number, the more narrow the bandpassing of this frequency will be. Largest number effectively bypasses the filter.
Attack: Changing the volume from one sample to the next can give a click. Increase this until you are not bothered with clicks. Too large values make the attack become dull.
Travel back: Instead of letting the current sound through, you can go back in time and play previous stuff.
Command: Set specific command. Commands are:
01: Reset all steps of the internal randomize pattern to 50%.
02: Reset the randomize pattern to a specific random seed (set by the next parameter).
03: Randomize the internal randomize pattern (new time every time you issue this command, next parameter is ignored).
04: Temporarily randomize relative to the internal randomize pattern (next parameter specifies how much).
05: Set the filter steepness (valid range is are 1-3).
06: The next parameter controls how much the randomize pattern affects the decay curve shape.
07: The next parameter controls how much the randomize pattern affects the filter randomization.
08: The next parameter controls how much the randomize pattern affects panning.
0A: Sets how fast the internal randomize pattern mutates over time.
0B: Chopper mode: 1=normal gating, 2=sidechain-like ducking of the signal.
10: This controls what the customizable column does. Currently only "1" (panning) is supported.
Value: Specifies the value of whatever the Command column is set to.
Rows per beat (attribute): If you use this plug-in with Pattern XP with a different Rows Per Beat setting than the default of "4", you should change this. When in doubt simply leave this at 4.
Filter steepness (attribute): If you don't find the filter aggressive enough, increasing this will make the filter effect more drastic.
(revision $Rev: 45 $)
Version 2.2, June 2017: Fixed way to slow evolution/mutation speed. (Now, 4000 is "very slow", 8000 is "medium" and C000 is "quite fast")
Version 2.1, April 2016: Added new inverted mode.
Version 1.1, January 2011: Fixed output level bug when using trigger "80" multiple times.